We recommend taking your first test in the winter or spring of your junior year and your second test in the summer or fall so there is plenty of time to get your scores back before college applications are due. Many students take the test at least twice because your score almost always increases on the second try. You’ll need a photo ID, payment method, and photo (that meets certain requirements) to register. Register for the SAT by visiting their website and creating a College Board account. The SAT is offered seven times throughout the year. This is something to consider if you find yourself a stronger reader or a stronger mathematician. The Math section is 50% of your SAT score. One interesting thing to note: since on the SAT your Reading and Writing and Language scores are lumped together, the Math section makes up ½ of your SAT score, not ⅓. You can learn more about how the SAT is scored here and view a sample score report here. Then your Math and combined Reading and Writing and Language scores are added together for one composite score out of 1600.įor example, if you got a 520 on the Math section and a 490 on the Reading and Writing and Language section, your composite score would be 1010. The scores of the Reading and Writing and Language are combined for one score out of 800. The Math sections are combined for one score out of 800. The SAT’s scoring system is a bit complicated. The SAT provides a formula sheet for you to use on both math sections.Įnter your email below to get a new ACT/SAT practice question delivered to your inbox each Wednesday. This may make the questions confusing for some students however, the extra information can be helpful to solve the problem. There are also a few questions under the category “Additional Topics in Math,” which covers geometry, properties of shapes, and proportional reasoning. The three areas of focus on the SAT Math sections are Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math. These free-response questions are also called grid-ins because you enter your answers in the grids provided on the answer sheet. Both sections contain mainly multiple-choice questions with a few free-response questions at the end. There are two math sections on the SAT: Math without Calculator and the longer Math with Calculator. SAT Writing and Language Section Strategies Math

For this section, brush up on your knowledge of commas, semicolons, and sentence arrangement. This section covers standard grammar conventions and rhetorical skills. You’ll see four short passages rife with grammatical errors paired with 11 questions each, asking you to identify and correct the errors in the passage. The SAT Writing and Language section puts you in the position of a writer revising and editing a text. Prose Fiction Passage Walkthrough (with Videos!) Writing and Language Natural Science Passage Walkthrough (with Videos!) The natural science passage usually contains a chart or graph and questions in which you must analyze or understand the data presented. There are five passages on the Reading section: narrative or prose, natural science, social science, humanities, and paired passages, which usually fall under the social science or natural science designation. The SAT Reading section tests your ability to read and interpret texts. The SAT tests Reading, Writing and Language, Math without Calculator, and Math with Calculator.

You’ll have a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing and Language sections, and another five-minute break between the two math sections. The SAT sections always appear in the same order: Reading, then Writing and Language, followed by Math without Calculator, then Math with Calculator. The test is 3 hours and 15 minutes long (with breaks). The SAT contains 4 sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Math Without Calculator, and Math With Calculator. Timing and Structure The Timing of the SAT (The optional Essay section was cut from the test in early 2021.) These three multiple-choice sections (sometimes referred to as “tests”) are scored and combined for a total score of up to 1600 points. To accomplish this, the SAT tests students in three subject areas: English, Math, and Reading. The SAT is designed to measure the skills that are most important for success in a college environment. Despite the pandemic and many universities rolling out test-optional applications, more than 1.5 million students from the US and around the world took the SAT in 2021. SAT test scores are accepted by all four-year US colleges and universities. The SAT is a college entrance exam designed for 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students. If you’re looking for information about the structure of the SAT, how long the SAT is, how it’s scored, and how you should study, this is for you!